From: VSS Nair []
Sent: 13 January 2008 19:43
To: VRU Menon; Basil R [MHS]
Subject: Fwd: Fw: The Truth !!!!!!!
Wish you and your family,a very Happy New Year!
Thank you very much for your mail. I have received many e-mails from well wishers like you, on the topic.
This is a clear example of how any body can misuse technology of e-mail network and web net work to malign individuals and organizations without any proper reason.
Please read below another mail from the originator of the first (damaging) mail himself, expressing regret over his emotional action. We have already filed a defamation suit against him, just to set an example to all those people who think they can get away with such crimes, because they have the access to ten thousand e-mail IDs.
Please read the mails below and understand the truth.
I also want to let you know,that this year alone, Manipal Hospital, Airport Road, Bangalore had already spent Rs 6.30 Crores on free and concessional treatments and we run the Institution in a very transparent and 100% ethical manner. We have never turned back a patient in the last 5 and a half years(during my tenure) because the patient had no money or less money.
Once again thanks for writing to me as a well-wisher.
Warm Regards,
Managing Director & CEO,
Manipal Health Systems,
5th Floor, Manipal Hospital,
Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017.
----- Original Message -----
From: Customer Care [MH-Bangalore]
To: MHS-AllUsers
Cc: MH-Salem; MHS-Corporate; MH-Tumkur; MH-Vijayawada; MH-Vizag
Sent: Sat Jan 12 11:54:17 2008
Subject: The Truth !!!!!!!
Dear Friends,
A few days back, one Mr. Ravikumara sent an E-Mail making very derogatory and defamatory statements against Manipal Hospital.
We immediately investigated the matter and sent to him a detailed reply, laying down the facts.
Mr. Ravikumara has since then met with hospital authorities and has apologised.
Attached below, highlighted in BROWN, is the E-Mail that said Ravikumara has now sent. Also the apology letter given by him is scanned and attached herewith.
This incident shows how indiscriminate and irresponsible use of a powerful communication tool can cause irreparable harm and has to be used with discretion and responsibility. The lesson we can all take away is that any emotional and agitated outburst prejudging people and institutions more often than not is at cost of the truth.
Please forward this to all conscientious citizens.
Dr. D P Saraswat
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 4:32 PM
Cc: Customer Care [MH-Bangalore]; Dr Saraswat D P.
Subject: Re: Important : It costs 2 lacks to operate a deadbody in Manipal Hospital !!!!!
Importance: High
Dear All,
I has sent an e-mail dated 07-Jan-2008 regarding death of my
co-brother, Mr. Ambarish and had accused Manipal Hospital
of trying to operate on a dead person.
After obtaining the details of the events from Manipal Hospital,
now I realize that estimation was provided while my co-brother was
alive and Hospital did not even demand full money to be paid for
the services. While the admission process was in progress
my co-brother died. Due to the grief and tension I misunderstood
the whole thing and sent the e-mail damaging reputation
of Manipal Hospital, which in fact had provided all life saving
measures without demanding any upfront payment.
I sincerly regret this emotional outburst and distress caused to
the Hospital and I would request all of you to please
ignore the earlier mail and its contents.
Also please do inform the same to your friends to whom
you have forwarded my earlier mail.
Thanks & Regards
Ravikumara YM
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND IS MEANT SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE INTENDED ADDRESSEE. UNAUTHORISED USE OF THIS COMMUNICATION OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN INVITE LEGAL SANCTIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS COMMUNICATION, PLEASE CONTACT [ Mr.Balaji Venkatesh] AND IMMEDIATELY DELETE THIS COMMUNICATION FROM YOUR SYSTEM WITHOUT RETAINING ANY COPIES IN ANY FORM OR FORMAT WHATSOEVER. "Please note that the email id has been changed from * to * Please update your address book accordingly." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
V.S.S.Nair,Chief Administrative Officer,
S.U.T.College of Medicine,
Trivandrum 695004
Tel.0471 2446220, 94471 44482
Hi All
All that is written and forwarded by email is not true, don't jump into conclusion at the first instance, MD of Manipal Hospital is a good friend of me, below is the clarification from the hospitaland apology letter from the originator of the email
Dear Bimal,
Thank you very much for your mail and thereby expressing your genuine concern. The truth is far different from what is written in the mail that has been forwarded to you. This is the way, some people can misuse e-mail network and cyber media. We have filed a defamation suit. The guy who wrote this original email has given us a written apology. He had also sent a subsequent mail ( to the original recipients), expressing regret over his emotional reaction. We have also taken up with his employer i2Technologies- for having allowed their network to be used for causing defamation to us.
Please read the attachments. Our Conscience is clear and free from any guilt on the matter.
We did everything possible to save this patient(26 year old boy, involved in a road accident due to drunken driving), who was brought in with a major brain stem injury, 3 hours after the accident. There is very little that medical science can do in such situations. All that they paid was Rs 150/- for 2 hours of ICU care and high end Diagnostic procedures like CT,etc. They bashed up our patient care coordinators in the middle of the night and forcefully took the body. Then, one of the co-brothers of the patient sent out this damaging e-mail. We have taken mulltiple actions ,since then, to neutralize the negative impact.
I have received numerous mails from well-wishers all across the world after realizing the truth.
Thank you very much once again, for your genuine concern.
R Basil
Managing Director & C E O
Manipal Health Systems
5th Floor, Manipal Hospital
Airport Road
Bangalore - 560017 INDIA
Ph: +91 80 25024200 / 25025200
Fax: +91 80 25266757 / 25203164
From: Bimal Chandran (Corecompt) [ mailto:bimal@corecompt. ]com
Sent: 18 January 2008 09:36
To: Basil R [MHS]; Rajeevan CG; Kulkarni Rajeev
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: About Manipal Hospital --- take 3 mins to read it... Important!!!
I just forwarding the mail to you, what I have recieved
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Date: 17 Jan 2008 08:01:34 -0000
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Subject: Fwd: About Manipal Hospital --- take 3 mins to read it... Important!!!
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Subject: Fwd: About Manipal Hospital --- take 3 mins to read it... Important!!!
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Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 13:35:04 +0530
From: "Jayakar Malliah" <>
Subject: About Manipal Hospital --- take 3 mins to read it... Important!!!
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I do not know how far this
is authentic, nevertheless it is
an eye opener for all and be alert to be cautious is such
I am just reproducing the message I received and pardon
me for the grammar and spelling, I have not edited it in
order to retain its originality.Jayakar B Malliah
A Wish will not change anything, however a Decision will change everything
I may not be the Best, but simply Better than the Rest
--------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Dear All,
I would like to get one incident happened this weekend to ur notice.
One of my co-brother met with an bike accident and expired
on Friday night.(A BMTC bus came in wrong side and hitted him)
This accident happened around 6.30 PM near whitefield and initially he
admitted to a hospital called Vydehi near whitefield.
Later it was proposed by Vydehi doctors to take him to either
Nimhance or Manipal.
So we took him to Manipal around 8.00Pm since NIMHANCE is very far
and also by considering traffic at that time. To reach even Manipal it
took too much time, Most of the delay caused because of Heavvy Traffic
in airport road. As soon as we took him to the Manipal hospital
said his state is very critical and 95 % he is out. Still they said they
will do CT-Scanning and then they can clearly confirm the status.
Then around 10.30 PM they arranged for CT-Scanning ( too much of delay ).
Soon after the CT-Scanning one of the doctor reported his BRAIN
is damaged , 2 kidney's and small lever also was damaged for which he
needs to be operated for a head surgery and a stomach surgery, during
the operation he may die also or at any moment he may die. Soon after
they took him to ICU instead of taking him to Operation Theatre. There
was around 1 hr delay in answering us back from this point. They didnt
allow any of us to see him when he was in ICU untill we demanded and
shouted on them. When we demanded and asked them to discharge so that we
will take him to NIMHANCE, Then the answer from them was they will
operate immediately but we need to Admit and pay around 2 lakh Rs. Since
we didnt had that much of cash and also we doubted on whether he is
still alive or simply these doctors playing a game..., But still since
they demanded around 2 lakh rupees for the operation before they start
it, I went ahead to fill up the forms and pay money immediately with
using credit card , But when our uncle had a look at him in ICU noticed
that he is already dead (this was around 11.30 PM). Then immediately he
asked me to not to make any payment. We went to doctor in-charge and
asked(when we shouted) about his status and chances of he being saved.
Doctor infomred that chances are less than 1 percent, then only we
realized that MANIPAL Administration guys playing a game, and trying to
fool us to collect some money in the name of operations to operate a
deadbody !!!
We took it seriously and tried to contact TV9 on the
same day but could not get the contact numbers...,
Since we were strong enough fight back on Manipal Hospital they agreed
he is dead and asked us to pay Rs. 30,000 to release dead body.
As we know they didnt give any treatment other than doing a CT-Scan and
keeping the
deadbody in ICU fr 2 Hrs.. We shouted on them and demanded to release
the deadbody with CT-Scan charges only. Finally we were able to fight
and take the body with out paying any money as they were trying to cheat
Some how we escaped from being paid for dummy operations being
planned by Manipal Doctors. But if it was some other innocent poor
people they would have ended up with paying full money and cheated by
The whole idea behind my writeup is : we all know MANIPAL
is one of the big and well known Hospital in bangalore. But these people
cheat innocent people by collecting huge money to operate even
deadbody!!! and try to fool as if they are going to save the patient. I
request you all to forward this mail to all your friends and inform
every one on how BIG Private Hospitals can cheat .. and to Be aware of
For more details you can reach me on 9880029811. email:
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RegardsBimal Chandran
Corecompt Consultants
# 10,First Floor,12th cross
(Road Opp Foodworld, CMH Road)
Indiranagar, 1st stage
Tel - 080 - 25219825 / 26
Mobile :9844000910
email :
web site :
MailGate made the following annotations---------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND IS MEANT SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE INTENDED ADDRESSEE. UNAUTHORISED USE OF THIS COMMUNICATION OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND CAN INVITE LEGAL SANCTIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OF THIS COMMUNICATION, PLEASE CONTACT [Mr.Balaji Venkatesh balaji.v@manipalhos] AND IMMEDIATELY DELETE THIS COMMUNICATION FROM YOUR SYSTEM WITHOUT RETAINING ANY COPIES IN ANY FORM OR FORMAT WHATSOEVER. ?Please note that the email id has been changed from *.manipalhospital. org to *.manipalhealth. com. Please update your address book accordingly. ? ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---
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