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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

<<=M=H=O=>> And this bonfire lit

And this bonfire lit

Why must my surprise courage?
¡That is not what we want!
I have always said that a friend
It has been much better than a beloved.
Because the stove of a friend
Never enfriaria.

¡Mentirme it! You would never
And his promises were never empty…
It always has given me everything
Yes, everything that I wanted…
To my way.

Some time ago I sat
And recalling our past
Yes, remembering your love
Everything that I have enjoyed.
The food is much more than sacred…
Kiss share it here ,
Yes, one of those, like good brothers.

I love your fire ignite with a simple game.
You know that things will never forget
Because I felt you have too.
Yes we did when love
It never forgets
Let alone at that couch
Our favorite bed.

These are your verses
Those who cheer my life
And my rhymes.
They are much more than music
For this heart lying to drift
Can your rescatarme at night
As in the days…
We will make a legend
When my life rescues.
That switch nights
And shine in the days…
The day again make love
As always you would
Both nights in the days.


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