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Friday, January 25, 2008

[Keralites] friends or enemies?

I had posed the issue of the organized few holding the unorganized many to ransom. Later on I learned from TV news that the organized few bank-employees were holding the unorganized many account holders to ransom even as I was posting my views on the group site.

Their grouse is that the banks are amalgamating and outsourcing against public interests. Not long ago they opposed computerization in the name of public interests, they opposed the advent of new banking again in the name of public interests. The terrorists are saints in comparison with this cancerous growth from within.

Unions are formed to protect employee-interests and not public interests. What is more, do unions have the right to oppose management decisions such as amalgamation and outsourcing which affect the employees only obliquely. If a union were to have the right to protest every threat or perceived threat  under the sun, and go on strikes then there would hardly be a working-day.

Now lets us consider the issues involved.

One is amalgamation. Every organization has to have an optimum size to flourish in a particular environment. It is for the management to determine what the optimum size should be. If they, the employees are so adept at management why don't they kick out the managers and manage the banks on their own?

The second issue is outsourcing. Our unwanted protectors claim that outsourcing would compromise bank security and public interests. Thereby they imply that firms to which things are outsourced are likely to compromise bank interests as well as public interests. It would seem that those working in the private sector to which the banks outsource cannot be trusted with public interests and would sell out the public to the highest bidder, whereas their royal selves in the public sector banks are the guardians of the public 24/7. Are the tax paying citizens of India working in the private sector lesser citizens of India than their royal employees working in the public sector? Do citizens in the unorganized and private sector who cannot be trusted with public interests become saints and protectors overnight as soon as they are recruited into the public sector.?   Does recruitment into a public concern make them more public interested than those who do not have the luck to be so recruited?

Probably these goons had it well planned to have their protection-bash on the eve of Republic day. Thereby they made it certain that we would be held hostages for three days – Fri, Sat and Sun. A spokesman for the union 'requested' arrogantly that the public put up with the inconvenience in the short run so that the public would not be inconvenienced in the long run. How gracious of them!

Why does India need external enemies when we have such friends within?

If you think this message is worth it then do pass it on and help its cause by buying a copy of my book "The Win-Win Outlook'

Xavier William            
Magnum Glass Works, Chemical Industrial Estate, Aroor, Alappuzha, India 682 304
Tel:91-478-2872425, 2874030, +91-9388605944

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