There is hope for Kerala. But we have solve many issues to implement the solution
1. The mindset of a typical malayali is very wrong in his State. Perhaps its because of the communist influence. There is a general attitude of always finding fault with others, not opposing the ones who do wrong, harrasing or making fool of people who wants to do things in the legal and right manner, extreme fear of failure and society's negative attitude towards those who fail, ... these "mentality" is a key reason in why the labour force in Kerala is aganist ecoomic development of our State. This can be resolved only through education. Even those "highly educated" ones among us have to be educated on these issues. Schools have a key role in shaping the attutudes of the future generation, but alas our teaching class, the so called teachers are ones who teach all the wrong ideas to students. You see our university is Union City.
2. Understand Kerala: Kerala is a very resourceful state with much potential. But it is not an industrial state, as it does not have raw materials or electricity to support mega industries or plants. But Kerala has two major resources that are more valuable than anything else now, Human Resources and a Beautiful Land. Our human reources are a national waste in our state, but very hard working and most brightest employees overseas. By starting or promoting BPOs (Business Process Outsourcing) or KPOs (Knowldge Process Outsourcing) or Educational ventures like private universities etc in Kerala, we can provide highly quality employment with high salaries using the talent of our manpower in Kerala itself. These sectors are environment friendly and usually does not require trade unions. And malayalis prefer to work in offices, so it suits them.
3. It is a paradox that Kerala Govt is very adamaent on liberalizing the commercialization of education, when it is Malayali students who are a major in most of the most Indian colleges. Kerala shuold reinvent itself to be the educationa nd research hub of India. Promote local, national and international educational players (schools, colleges, private universities, specialist institutes) to open and operate in Kerala. Who gains? more quality employment to Keralites, more options and opportunities for students, besides these educational institutions help the KPO and BPO sectors in the state. The govt can provide tax exemptions or incentives based on the number of local students these institutions intake. Thereby brining quality specialized education at low cost to students. Such a status of Kerala will bring in students from all part of india and different countries of the world.
this is my opinion of how Kerala can change and make use of the NRI deposits that are now currently being diverted to other states.
Ameen Ahsan
Venu Haridasan Nair <venuharidas@
Even though banks in Kerala come forward to give financial assistance to investors in Kerala, who will take the risk in investing huge amount of money in Kerala?
The 'credit' for this scenario in Kerala goes to political parties who are very much eager to conduct Strikes and Hartals and bring the industries to standstill.
See other states. For issues related to the development of their state, they join hands together forgetting all political differences.
As you said now it is time for peoples' revolution. Don't misunderstand I am not an extreme leftist.
We should realise why we have to go out to other states or abroad for employment when we have a chance to develop our state itself.
More response in this subject is anticipated
Venu Haridas
Nikhil Notty <> wrote:the money came to kerala by keralite NRIs , is more than the money recieved by indian software companies .But where this money is going????the banks which collect the money is not ready to help investments in kerala .... why?This money is being used by some industrialist out side kerala ....with this report , it shows kerala is a very pottential state , but whyyyyyyyyyy? whys its not able to gain ?This question should reverberate in evry malayalees ear , it should hount him ..... then kerala will start growingregards ,Nikhil
saju nair <> wrote:SAMBHAVAMI YOUGE YOUGE......
--- Nikhil Notty < > wrote:
> Thank U manoj For the message .....
> Let us debate on this subject
> those who could not read the attched file , use
> this link
> cgi-bin/MMOnline .dll/portal/ ep/malayalamCont articleType= Malayalam% 20News&contentId =3367448& contentType= EDITORIAL& BV_ID=@@@
> regards ,
> Nikhil
> Manoj Joseph < > wrote:
> Regards,
> Manoj Joseph
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