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Friday, February 15, 2008

<<=M=H=O=>> Only ‘devotion’, no ‘allegiance’!

Only 'devotion', no 'allegiance'!


to a septuagenarian lawyer

from Ernakulam in Kerala

many in India now hear of

King Leopold of Belgium

via Sonia Gandhi.


This lawyer took seriously

what most people in the country

had treated as some kind of fun, namely,

the Order of Leopold conferred

on Sonia Gandhi in the year 2006.

The brief story is this.

Sonia Gandhi received the

"Grant Officer"

 grade of the Order of Leopold

on November 15, 2006 at Belgium.

This is the second

highest honour given

 by the King of Belgium.

Obviously knowing that a

Member of Parliament in India

 cannot accept a foreign title

that compromises with his


 her allegiance


loyalty to India,

Menon investigated deeper

to find out

whether the Order of Leopold

was an innocuous giltedged paper

like what the Rotary


Lions Clubs

confer or something more serious.

He found to his shock that the Order

was no ordinary paper


a special title that demanded

'devotion' and 'loyalty'

to the King and the state of Belgium

 in return from the person honoured with the title.

A disturbed Rajan

 forthwith shot off

a complaint to the

President of India

in May 2007 pleading that

Sonia Gandhi

be removed as Member of Parliament

for having acknowledged her allegiance

 to Belgian King and State

 by accepting the Order of Leopold.


 the incumbent of the

Rashtrapati Bhavan then was

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam,

a man of high repute and independence

 in complete contrast to his successor,

 a Sonia loyalist.

Dr Kalam promptly forwarded

 the complaint to the

 Election Commission for consideration.

 The EC was,

as it was bound to be,

split on the issue.

 It was not a secret that except the

 CEC the other two members owed

their allegiance to the present establishment.

For understandable reasons

they were not keen to issue show cause notice

to Sonia Gandhi asking her

why she should not be disqualified

 as member of the Lok Sabha.

 They were defying the CEC for months.


the simmering tensions within the

Commission soon spilled into the media.

Obviously concerned at the leak,

on February 13,

 the Commission managed to reach

a decision by division.

 Navin Chawla,

one of the members,

agreed with the Chairman for the issue

 of a show-cause notice to Sonia.


he defied the Chairman and agreed

with the other member,

S.Y. Quraishi,

also to ask for a clarification from the

External Affairs Ministry on the Order of Leopold.

 This was to open a window to help Sonia

 to escape disqualification by getting

 a favourable report from the MEA.

 With the manipulations within the EC out,

what would be normally discussed

in the EC will now be discussed

 in the public domain.

The Constitution of India

 (Art 102) says that

a person shall be disqualified

 to be in the Lok Sabha


in the Rajya Sabha if he

"is under any acknowledgement of

allegiance or adherence to a foreign state."

For deciding whether the acceptance

 of the Order of Leopold by Sonia Gandhi

amounts to acknowledgement

of allegiance the simple question to ask is:

 what is the Order of

Leopold explicitly for?

A click for the

"Order of Leopold"

in Google search will get some 546000 entries.

 The Belgian government has it on website.

 The Association of the Order of Leopold

too has its own website.

 The Wikipedia says

(about the membership of Order of Leopold):

 "The membership

can only be granted

 by his majesty King Albert II

 (that is the King of Belgium)


is reserved for

 very important

Belgian nationals

and to some

distinguished foreign persons

who contributed in one way

 to the Belgian military,

 the Belgian civil society


the Belgian state."


The Association of the Order of Leopold

was established under the Belgian law in 1944.

As to the purpose of the association statute says:

 "It displays

an eternal devotion to Belgium

and to the monarchy."

 Is this requirement

only for a Belgian?


 what about a foreign member to the Order like Sonia?

Says the Belgian statute:

 "In order to become a foreign member,

one should prove his or her quality

as a member of the Order as a foreigner."

That means

the recipient of the Order,

Sonia in this case,

will have to prove her

'eternal devotion'

 to Belgium and to the King of Belgium!


every member of the Association

of the Order of Leopold has to take

 this oath under the law:

"I swear not to

undertake anything

 that could damage the respectability

of the Order of Leopold

 and to fully observe

 the Regulations and act

as a loyal and faithful member."

 So Sonia ought to have taken oath

 to be loyal to the purposes of the

Association of the Order of Leopold,


'display an eternal devotion

 to Belgium


to the monarchy'.

The issue before the CEC was whether

 this swearing of loyalty to the Belgian state

and the King is not acknowledgment of loyalty


adherence to a foreign country?

 See how this issue seems to have been handled

 by the Election Commission.

The CEC appears to have taken the

view that Sonia's acceptance of the

Order of Leopold does amount

 to acknowledgment of allegiance.

 Obviously panicking at this,

 one of the Commission members

seems to have taken the

extra-ordinary — actually extra-legal — step

of seeking and getting a note from the

 Ministry of External Affairs with

 a letter from the Belgian Embassy in Delhi

to the EC to counter the CEC.


 the CEC seems to have pointed out

that neither the letter nor the note of MEA

 referred to the statute of Association of the

Order of Leopold

which spoke of

 'devotion' and 'loyalty'

of the recipient Sonia

to Belgian King and State.

SY Quaraishi

seems to have responded to the

 CEC saying that the term

'allegiance' or 'adherence'

in the

Constitution of India

 was not found in the statute of the Association

 of the Order of Leopold,

even though he did concede that in

some places the statute did talk of


Obviously Quaraishi has overlooked the fact

that the statute of the Association

of the Order of Leopold does talk of


also in addition to


 Any way the use of the word


which means worship,

demands the Order recipient


 to worship

the King of Belgium,

while allegiance is only loyalty.

 While the CEC was troubled by his loyalty to the law,

obviously the two other members of

 EC seem to be troubled by other loyalties.

 Hence the delay in the issue of the notice to Sonia.

The media disclosure of the politicking

 within the EC has temporarily

 resolved the stalemate in the

 Commission by one of the two members,

 Navin Chawla,

 opting to support the CEC

 for issue of show-cause notice to Sonia

on the one hand and siding with the other member,


to oppose the CEC

 who was not for asking for the views of

 Ministry of External Affairs as to the nature

 of the Order of Leopold.

 Now the Ministry of External Affairs

will prepare the defence for Sonia


 to the two members

 inviting it to do so,

while the EC has held that the

MEA has no locus in the matter.


The EC will decide

whether Sonia Gandhi's oath of

"devotion" and "loyalty"

to the King of Belgium under the Belgian law

 does or does not amount to

"allegiance" or "adherence"

 to the Dutch king under the Indian Constitution.

With the two members loaded against the CEC,

 the EC decision is bound to be that

 "devotion" is not "allegiance."


 So it is for the people of India


 to decide whether


the EC is correct or not.

Sriram Savarkar
Hinduism is more a way of life than a method of worship.
Dharmo Rakshati Rakshithaha
If you protect Dharma, Dharma will in turn protect you






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