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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RE: [Keralites] Is this communism?


The BJP gave us one of the best rule the India had ever seen in 60 years. 

1)  The basic amneties like gas was available in the open market - now its hiding.
2)  Petro prices had come down by at least 4 rs per litre - now everyday a threat when will it  increase
3)  The roads were good nationwide
4)  Development was at its peak
5)  Corruption was at minimum - fear that the people may revolt
6)  And in total India was shining -

We dont want the india to shine.   That is the reason we dont want BJP to rule.

Please tell me who is minority in this country.  Do you say muslims - pls tell me how many muslims are poor in this country. Also take the statistics how many brahmins are rich today.  Then please decide who is minority.

--- On Wed, 20/2/08, Kiran Krishnan < wrote:

From: Kiran Krishnan <
Subject: RE: [Keralites] Is this communism?
Date: Wednesday, 20 February, 2008, 11:43 PM

Dear All,

The social system of Kerala in 18 and 19 centuries turned out to be a fertile ground for the growth of Communism and the popularity it got has created scoundrels like M/s. Pinaryi and Co. or M/s. Chandy & Co. of today.

Everything on earth has a natural life span, be it democracy or communism. Human history is something that is repeated

After independence, we accepted the present democracy for the last 60 years. The politicians of various hues joined hands and created the UDF & LDF in Kerala and they have been plundering us scientifically taking advantage of the mindset of the Malayali, who is not prepared for a change. In fact, the politician has studied the Malayali mindset best.

To find out a husband for our daughter we go to a few astrologers and others to find out how good the boy is! However, when it comes to the people to be entrusted with the powers to rule us we are least bothered.

30% of us believe in UDF and another 30% has full faith is LDF and 40% are never concerned. At the time of the General Elections once in five years hardly 5% think for all of us and they decide the winners.

As a result, we were ruled by the UDF and LDF every five years for the last 60 years. Having learned this rhythm, the politicians coming to power too became irresponsible and corrupt.

We just cannot think of a third alternative like the BJP. The minority is more important for us. An impression is created that if the BJP comes to power all those in the minority will be wiped out. Nothing of that sort happened when the BJP was ruling us from Delhi for five years. In fact we are getting what we deserve -- We the spineless selfish cowards!

Kiran Krishnan

----- Original Message -----
From: S kumar
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 7:43 PM
Subject: RE: [Keralites] Re: Is this communism??? ???

1) The actual area of property now the lowercasts holding,which they got by the land reforms act?
When the Land Reform Act was applied, the Lower Castes who were lesses or crop-sharing partners became owners of the land and practically no compensation was made to the so called landlords. The area could be anything that they were entrusted to cultivate or even look after at that point of time, at times running to several acres of paddy fields and coconut gardens!!

2) People put in to poverty due the land reforms act. (Suppose land lord have 10 or 15 children)
Most of the white collar workers of Kerala including Govt. had been investing on landed property while in service, to enable them to settle in Kerala with farming as an income, after retirement. Most of them were deprived of their life's savings invested on lands and reduced to penury, many committing suicide unable to support themselves and lost all their savings invested so.

3) What is the current status of the land taken from Murikkan of Kuttanad and distributed to the workers?
Muricken's land was distributed mostly among the Communist Cadre farmers in Kuttanad. As the cultivation here requires huge investments and infra-struture of powerful pumps to pump out accumulated water (below sea level) and do the farming, smaller fragmented holdings could not afford such costs and they abandoned cultivation and some even sold off these lands to others.
At present, these lands have deteriorated to marshy fields with waterhyacynth covering most of the slush with snakes and rodents infesting these areas, totally unfit for cultivation. Whatever loans Govt. give to the Societies owned by Communists are frittered away in social drinking and they clamour for writing off the bank loans!!
Second generation of Muricken's offer to revive the cultivation by their own techniques without any Govt. funds, has been cold shouldered by Govt. so far and lands remain unutilised and spoilt now.

4) Why we are employing people from other states, if we suffer from un employment.
Kerala workers mostly CPM affiliated, come at 8AM, and are supposed to work for 8 hours with tea breaks of 30 min each, lunch of one hour reducing the total output to 6 hours. And here too their actual working is slow and lethargic as they know minimum wages have to be paid by employer.
Many land owners prefer to leave their lands uncultivated or convert them to Coconut or other Cash crops by land filling or convert to residential plots!!
Workers from TN are mostly employed in Estates and building activities where Kerala workers refuse to work. But in farming, often these workers from TN are driven away and assaulted by CPM cadres to submission. Reports of crops ready for harvest getting destroyed by rains for want of CPM recognised workers, are not rare in Kerala.

5) Why the local community is not interested in working in a factory (for 8 hours) in their locality but very much interested to join a trade union and doing only loading & unloading?
Most of local Community are uninterested in hard work, as they have been pampered by CPM for toddy/ liquor trade, lottery tickets..etc. which are easy jobs. Many turn to head load worker extortions, collecting donations in name of CPM. Coconuts are not harvested regularly for want of people to climb the trees- prohibitively costly wages- and many leave the trees to shed the coconuts automatically when ripe.
6) What will happen to Kerala if the agricultural products produced by other states is not available for distribution to other states.
Kerala is totally dependent on other States for Rice, Wheat, pulses and Milk, or Cattle for slaughter to meat, chicken and eggs, vegetables and fruits, even flowers for temples and marriages/ festivals!! Pharmaceuticals are totally coming from Gujarat and Maharashtra. So is textiles and ready dresses. In short Kerala produces practically nothing, but a consumer State of idle people, utilising the Money Order economy from Gulf employees and black money.

7) Howmany of you are willing to work in the agricultural fields?
Perhaps none exxcept some of SC/St and Tribals not politicised yet.

8) Can anybody pointout any politician with out corruption?
Antony and Achuthanandan at present. But Achuthanandan' s hands are tied by PB and Pinaray Secretary of CPM through his Ministers

9) What is the actual cost for conducting meetings and the source of income for the political parties. Is it only the amout collected from their members or other peoples?  
Lavlin case is a typical case how CPM collects fund in Crores.And now lands given for Land Sharks for housing and tourist hotels as in Munnar. Days of house to house bucket collections are gone. Big businesses and builders are funding CPM and CPI funded by TATA-s.

Saji Kuriakose <sajikuriakose@ wrote:
Dear Friends,
Did anybody can give a clear reply for my below querries ?
1) The actual area of property now the lowercasts holding,which they got by the land reforms act?
2) People put in to poverty due the land reforms act. (Suppose land lord have 10 or 15 children)
3) What is the current status of the land taken from Murikkan of Kuttanad and distributed to the workers?
4) Why we are employing people from other states, if we suffer from un employment.
5) Why the local community is not interested in working in a factory (for 8 hours) in their locality but very  
    much interested to join a trade union and doing only loading & unloading?
6) What will happen to Kerala if the agricultural products produced by other states is not available for
    distribution to other states.
7) Howmany of you are willing to work in the agricultural fields?
8) Can anybody pointout any politician with out corruption?
9) What is the actual cost for conducting meetings and the source of income for the political parties.
    Is it only the amout collected from their members or other peoples?  
Waiting for your true comments without any political viewpoint.

To: Keralites@yahoogrou
From: amithab1362@ in
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:50:35 +0000
Subject: Re: [Keralites] Re: Is this communism??? ???

Mr. Vkurup,
Don't use such words like Gundas to value a party, because as you said CPM workers are dying. Any where in the world those who are being killed is called as Gundas?
After indipendance the majority of number party workers killed in Kerala from CPM & Cummunist party workers
Mr. VKurup's intention very clear. He is from upper cast. He can't tolerate  
CPM policies . He tried to  mention one thing that he might have lost land when land reform act came.
Vkurup says the get the property from ancestros?
If go through history we  will come to know the people belongs to the Sheduled cast were staying in kerala from very long back. The upper cast people invaded & captured of their land  made that people stay in Jungles.
Are all people from upper cast ready to give their propertry give back to people from SC/ST?
What were Veluthambi Dalava doing at Vaikkam Temple. Killing, cutting heads& putting  in Viakkam temple pool, the people those who belong to  who belongs to lower cast. Can the upper cast people do the same now?
Bishop Vadakkan & Cuban communist PB member bishop etc...are  examplesof What communists attitude towards those who has believe in Gods & Religion.
Communist respects original devotees.
Not those  who are steeling Thiruvabharam of God.
In the begenning Govt was applying Technology everywhere without any preperation to overcome its bad outcome, as result many were being unemployed. That time protest agaist technology was natural.
Communist attitude technolgy should be used for people's welfare. Even if IT brought that won't make an workers working hours less. I don't have time to go the details. 
If in the Kurup's job his employer fix a machine sent kurup out at that time he can't pleade for tehnology.
In Kerala who started IT park first ? LDF Govt.
It is an irony that
1. DCC member mambaram Divakaran was in Jail for a Murder case.
2. DCC Secretary sudhakaran was culprit in Nalpadi Vasu Murder Case(UDF Govt  Filed the FIR)
3. Ummenchandi was a suspect culprit in Stephen murder case.
4. Aryadan Mohd in Kunchali Murder Case.
Vkurup what do you call these leaders?
Who is actual Gundas?
kurup26 <no_reply@yahoogroup wrote:
Mr.Alex Thomas is correct calling the communists as gundas. They want
just to rule and want some people to die for them. They are trying to
destroy what ever good thing we inherited from u ancestors whether it
is spiritual or material.

Once they said by distroying temple and "Kaavu" they can eradicate the
superstitious believes but now soe there nethas them selves are
competing to get into temple and church administrations. Now when UN
has told in their report that "Kavu and Kulam" is a complete
echo system and it should be protected at all cost, now they are not
even talking about it.

They are saviors of agriculture land and agri workers. At kuttanad
they destroyed the entire traditional agr systems and when some people
tried to bring in tractors and other equipment they even tried to kill
those people. and destroyed the equipments. Now there is no people to
work in the agriculture sector, so they are telling people to use

Industrial sector they were the first and only people to oppose it and
many case they destroyed the systems imported from US. Now the entire
AKG center is computerised. Recently they declared they are going to
organise the IT professional under the party. The very same week IT
people started strike at NEST group, Ernakulam.

In many of the rural places they are encoraging people to convert the
paddy fields for other purposes.leading them are communist leaders.
Many of the leaders in our place has filled the paddy fields and
constructing houses.

They are destroying this country inside and fro out side too.

people should recognize this nd treat them accordingly.

Vinod Kurup

--- In Keralites@yahoogrou, Alex Thomas
<alexthomasalexthom as@... wrote:

 Mr. Valsam is ignorant about the activities of so called communism
prevailing in Kerala. A group of gundas, among majority of them are
corrupt is a well known fact. Still they are courageous to pretend and
act as the messiah of of the poor. They are absolutely not different
than the congress or any other political parties in India.
 Sadly, many of my friends keep away from the party like me due to
wrong attitudes and activities of the party leaders.
 Ofcourse there was communists at that time when Mr. EMS,AKG or
Mundassery like leaders were at the helm of communist party and they
worked for benifits of the poor.
 Mr. Valsam...... .. your views are incompatant at the present situation.
 Alex Thomas
 ----- Original Message ----
 From: Amithab amithab <amithab1362@ ...
 To: Keralites@yahoogrou
 Sent: Sunday, 17 February, 2008 5:10:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [Keralites] Is this communism??? ???
 Mr. Valsam Mathew,
 You admitted onething in you letter. Kerala no 1 in education. How
they came up? Communist party laid the foundation. First communist
party brought Education Bill that made education free. Industrial
development you have to blame Central Govt. for their discrimination
towards Kerala. Congress govt. was playing politics. Because without
the help of Central govt. kerala achieved this development. If they
support kerala will no 1 In india, That will make people outside keral
think Communist party is good, Communist party will grow there.
 About Nandi gram what do you say the number CPM workers killed
there? 28 CPM workers been killed there. Many farmers killed Andhra
pradesh also in police firing. Do you know that? Who is ruling AP?
 Communist party Gundas?
 Admit that
 They are gundas that is why minority live in peace in kerala.
 Communist party try to protect minority from RSS. That is why they
are being attacked by RSS.
 What happened in Orissa & Gujarath? Anybody is there to protect
 You said no Industrial Development in Bengal & Kerala- In the same
article you critisize inviting Investors(Salim Group). How it will go
 CPM won't believe they can bring socialism in India ruling three states.
 They try to Give relief to poor people using parliamentary means.
 As they broght land refrom act in 1957, that gave thosands of
farmers land.
 Do you know that?(Even UNO praised CPI govt. for these reforms)
 No Govts in Kerala got such compliments from UNO.
 About roads in kerala. 1000 core rupees gone many packets during UDF
rule. That amount was supposed to be spent on road. What do you say
about that corruption?
 So sad to see many kerala people are not aware of such things.
 Medias are here to just to bring out Communist parties negatives
sides only, Poeple are going after their campaign.
 Inorder to protect their favorit's politcal, business etc, interests
medias twisting, exaggerating, hiding, newses.
 Peeple like Mr. Valsan Mathew are results of it.
 Valsan Mathew / ZAC Applied & Unitary Eng'g Dept <mathew@zamilac.
com wrote:
 Is this communism??? ???
 Dear countrymen,
 I have seen in media some of our guys giving firy speech about
communism & Indo us nuclear deal. What surprised me is people are
talking only about anti americanism & as I understand communism is not
anti americanism.
 Basically the fact is so called communist indians don't know what
is communism. For them communism means to do hartal , strike , lock
outs , goondaism , oppose any developments & giving some firy speech.
This nonsense ideology has become curse to gods own country like state
Kerala. Today keralities are facing problem beacuse of their fake
prestige with foolish ideology like communism .If they don't realise
this, sooner or later till become incurable disease.
 They want business guys who are investing their hard earned money
to share with common man without even getting the profits. I ask a
simple question ??? will you share your assets with common man &
answer will be no.This redundant ideology has put Kerala's
development in the backyard . I feel uneducated & unemployed guys are
easy to influence & are prepared to do anything for peanuts. This can
be one reason why investments & education are discouraged in communist
ruled states. But the question is how long one can do this ? I am sure
if gulf would not have been source of employment , this ideology
would have perished long back in Kerala
 Can you claim that all are good in Bengal where communism is there
for more than 30 years. Still bengal is one of the most backward
states in education , per capita income , health etc in the country.
Thanks to missionaries that Kerala still has high standard of
education. My observation is communism as it is cannot be implemented
in a society since it is meant for ideal society and we will never
have a ideal society. The success of China & failure of Cuba , former
soviet union proves the same. If we are so concerned about the country
, please advise our comrades who are in power to rule in discipled
manner & don't practise corruption. Only thing Communist in India does
is first oppose without knowing the facts then accept it reluntantly
like we have seen in computerisation , liberisation and even in
modernisation in farming methods etc.
 Bengal has witnessed sale of govt owned Great Eastern hotel, SEZ for
Salim group with land virtually free of cost, Nadigram killings , is
this communism ????. To conclude , first one should be a role model
to suggest somebody to follow it. And ideology has to change from time
to time to bring true development in society.
 If you consider me as a NRE keralite , then I want to say true facts
of NRE . You know , I have been treated badly by my employer ,
sometimes don’t even get salary, I have to work in inhuman
conditions with no fixed time limit for work . I am away from my
beloved ones for several years , having food which a animal will hate
to have it . Still I am proud to be a NRE .
 Why you know, I have a fake prestige which I want to maintain when I
am with my people in my state . I cannot say no to my communist
friends that I cannot come with them for rallies , I cannot do blue
collar job in my home town because I cannot face people looking at me
down. I want a job which should give me a salary more than I deserve ,
I want a break as & when I wish during working time. I will not work
extra time occasionally also, if work demands. I want to be active
member of a union. My management should not ask me questions on my
efficiency . Whether company perform well or not I want my bonus &
increment . And you know better , there is no company in Kerala which
suits my requirement because there is no factory existing in Kerala ,
people like us have ensured that either it should be closed before it
starts or it should be locked out if doing well.
 So I prefer to work abroad because nobody knows I have compromised
with my principals and if at all any NRE friends come to know , he
will not go and tell others because he is also going through the same
situation. You will find it funny , yes this is the condition of most
of our NRE Keralites.
 But if you ask them what’s happening in Kerala , he will say what
a beautiful state with good governance , though you don’t have
proper roads, rain- rain every where but not a single drop to drink,
minister advises to have milk & egg instead of costly rice,
unproductive new education policy has ensured that our children should
study in other states paying through our noses, but our leaders
don’t have to worry since they have got sponsors to take care of
their son’s costly education abroad and Munnar is like a ghost city
. Like Ippans were running from post to pillar for Aravana , we are
running for a packet of milk. Load shedding are a common sight. If
some body proposes Express highway , some intelligent guys like us
will say it will divide kerala into two , long back a visionary PM
introduced computerization , we keralite opposed it saying it will
raise unemployment , but today our smart ministers inaugurate their
only achievements by pressing
 a laptop button. Above all we have made Guinness record of having
highest bandh sorry Hartals in a year. Who is responsible for all this
 Please forward this mail to your keralite friends.
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