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Friday, February 15, 2008


  • Fish and Seafood
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Cigarettes
  • Food Additives
  • Food Handling Concerns
  • Medications and Herbs
  • Saunas and Hot Tubs
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Video Display Terminals (VDTs)
  • Other Precautions and Concerns
  • Informational Hotlines - Chemical Use and Precautions

  • Fish and Seafood

    Fish and seafood are excellent low-fat sources of many nutrients and an important part of a healthy diet. However, there is a concern about eating fish and seafood during preganancy, since many types of fish may contain high levels of mercury. To be safe, choose wisely among types of fish.



    No one knows how much alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy

    The danger of alcohol use during pregnancy is that it may cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Babies born with FAS may:
    There is no cure for these problems caused by fetal alcohol syndrome.

    Alcohol is an ingredient in many over-the-counter medicines. For example, some cough medicines are 25 percent alcohol. Ask your health care provider if you should use such products during pregnancy. Always read the label before taking any medicine.

    Because there is no known safe level of alcohol taken during pregnancy, the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the March of Dimes caution pregnant women to follow the safest course:



    Caffeine is a stimulant that affects people differently. Caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, anxiety, irregular heartbeats and problems sleeping. How caffeine affects an unborn baby is still under investigation. Some scientists believe caffeine can cause premature or smaller than normal babies or possible birth defects.



    Cigarette smoking may lead to serious health problems. Women who smoke during pregnancy usually give birth to babies that weigh less than those of women who don't smoke. Low birth
    weight babies are more likely to have health problems such as:
    New research shows that exposure to second hand smoke is also linked to SIDS and can cause major health problems to your baby.



    Food Additives

    Whenever possible, try to minimize your use of


    Food Handling Concerns

    Eating raw fish, meats or poultry may increase your risk of infection or parasitic disease. Cooking food destroys bacteria and parasites. Milk that is not pasteurized may also cause illness.



    Medications and Herbs

    Some medications and herbs may harm your baby. Before taking any medication or medicinal herbs during your pregnancy, ask your health care provider these questions: Precautions
    Be cautious about using medicines that contain multiple ingredients. They are more likely to contain extra substances, that may harm your baby.


    Saunas and Hot Tubs

    Avoid saunas and hot tubs that maintain a temperature greater than body temperature. They can potentially cause overheating and possible affect the development of your baby.

    Avoid possible overheating. Check with your health care provider for recommendations.


    Toxoplasmosis is a condition caused by a parasite found in cat feces, plant soil, and raw or undercooked meat. The parasite can cause brain damage in a developing baby if the mother becomes infected during pregnancy.



    Video Display Terminals (VDTs)

    At this time, there are no solid research findings regarding the effects of computer monitors or Video Display Terminals (VDT) on a developing baby.


    Other Precautions and Concerns
    Fetal Solvent Syndrome - Risk for Major Birth Defectors
    Exposure to chemicals may cause birth defects. Talk with your health care provider if you are concerned about exposure to chemicals in your environment.

    Rh Negative Mothers and Rhogam
    If you (mother) are Rh negative and your baby's blood is Rh positive there is an Rh incompatibility. Because some of the baby's red blood cells leak into your system, your body will produce antibodies to fight the Rh factor as if it were a harmful substance. These antibodies will remain in your body and may affect your next baby. If you are Rh negative, you will be given an injection of Rhogam at about 28 weeks of pregnancy, and within 72 hours after a birth, miscarriage, abortion or amniocentesis. The Rhogam will prevent your body from making these harmful antibodies. If your baby is Rh negative, you will not need Rhogam after delivery. Talk with your health care provider for more information.

    Preeclampsia is also called Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) or toxemia. The cause of preeclampsia is unknown. It occurs in 5% of pregnancies and is most common in:
    Symptoms of preeclampsia include a rise in blood pressure, protein in your urine and rapid weight gain due to fluid retention. If left untreated, preeclampsia can cause many problems that could be life threatening to you and your baby. Early preeclampsia can be diagnosed during a routine visit with your health care provider. Call your health care provider immediately if you experience blurred vision, headache, upper abdominal pain, rapid weight gain or increased swelling.

    Gestational Diabetes
    Gestational diabetes only occurs during pregnancy. The changes in your body during pregnancy can cause your blood sugar (glucose) levels to be high, which can cause problems for you and your baby. You will receive specific education on how to care for yourself if you develop gestational diabetes. It is very important to follow the diet, exercise, and blood sugar monitoring plans given to you.

    Gestational diabetes is most likely to develop if you:
    You and your baby may have the following problems if you don't keep your blood sugar under control:


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